Bakhmut Creative Workshop “Oberih” supports craftspeople from Bakhmut and coordinates projects to safeguard and promote traditional Ukrainian arts, crafts and cultural heritage in eastern Ukraine. After Bakhmut was destroyed by Russia ,the artisans became displaced throughout Ukraine, but they continue their work and activism. Crafts made by the Workshop artisans include traditional Ukrainian dolls, Motanka, beaded necklaces,tote bags,aprons and more.
Motanky are ancient Ukrainian family talismans. They are the symbol of prosperity, goodness, and hope. The first knotted dolls appeared 5000 years ago and represented the unity of the family and deep connection between multiple generations. The Bakhmut artisans are grateful to share their work through the Ukrainian Museum. The artisan Inna Ivinska is a registered member of the National Union of Folk Art Masters of Ukraine.
Featured 4 1/2” hanging Praying Angel Motanka ornaments. Priced individually,assorted colors.